Nahi Udaas Nahi…

वाक़िये इतने अनगिनत हैं इस ज़िंदगी के…साहिब.!!

समझ नहीं आ रहा…किताब लिखूँ या हिसाब लिखूँ…!!!

The First Lockdown was declared across India on 23rd March. We received the news in shocked surprise, as neither Corporate India, nor  families were prepared. Shopkeepers big or small, offices, factories, even e-commerce sites all went into shutdown. Individuals were scrambling to organize daily requirements like milk and veggies, while large organizations were busy providing their employees IT support so that they could work from home seamlessly. In the starting days of lockdown, I wrote a blog : A Crisis too Precious to Waste ( ). In my early enthusiasm, I actually listed out 9 positive outcomes that we can all gather/learn from the lockdown. Even in my title, unknowingly I had echoed great men of yore e.g.  Winston Churchill, ” Never let a good crisis go to waste”.

Today is 27th June. We are in Lockdown 5.0. From 23rd March, it is 96 days most of us have been at home. A small number of us, from essential services, health care, pharma, policing or other security outfits have been working  through these nearly 100 days. And possibly working even harder, with more stress than before. Another group started going to work more recently in the last 8/10 days. Uncertain, scared what the exposure to external environment would do to our risk profile, leading to a doubt whether you should have risked going back to office at all!! An even larger majority is still at home. Some in conducive industries like  Technology, BFSI & IT/ITES are practicing the new norm of Working from Home,  for varying lengths of time. An even larger number, in Educational institutions, Retail industry, Transportation, Hospitality just waits for the next diktat … uncertain whether it will be extension of the Lockdown or lifting of it.


Meanwhile, number of cases testing positive continues to soar. Slowly,  surely.  We now know of cases in our friends’ circle, or in our Society, or even in our building who have tested positive. Buildings/Floors are being sealed and cordoned off by the municipal authorities. If the data shared on the many webinars I attend daily is anything to go by, there is an increase in the cases of depression, anxiety and, of course, stress in the populace.  Uncertainty of when all this will end is not helpful.  Mental Health is always a good indicator of overall satisfaction and happiness within the system. And so this is worrisome. There are some “hidden talents” in each one of us and hidden opportunities in the circumstances. Unfortunately, to paraphrase a comedian in recent times,” I do have many hidden talents. But it is hidden so well, that I can’t find it myself!!” That will not help. We need to plumb our depths and find them.

Against this backdrop, while I was walking yesterday (yes I am allowed to go down to walk in the open within Society’s premises) an old song popped into my head…

“नहीं उदास नहीं

बस एक चुप सी लगी है

नहीं उदास नहीं

कही पे सांस रुकी है”

Literally the world, & those of us affected by this lockdown await with bated breath to see how this whole scenario will play out. The frustration, at least for me, is the sheer lack of clarity on how this will end. Despite Lockdown for nearly 100 days, the no of cases keep increasing day by day. While I do not track numbers, as they are a depressive scoreboard to watch, nor do I watch the news, the SM does creep into your psyche and inform you the latest.  So is it all negative? Bad? Hopeless?


Again the song plays in my head:

कोई अनोखी नहीं ऐसी जिंदगी लेकिन

खुब न हो

मिली जो

खूब मिली है

नहीं उदास नहीं बस एक चुप सी लगी है

You may be wondering whether I have fallen into the Stockholm Syndrome type of thinking where I am now falling in love with my social isolation, physical distancing, not stirring out of my home? “लज़्ज़ते_ए_आशिकी अब इस से बढ कर क्या होगी… रिहाई का वक्त आया तो, पिंजरे से मुहब्बत हो गयी !” Have I forgotten the joy of freedom, roaming aimlessly, going to malls & restaurants, shopping live, meeting friends & relatives, long drives?

No, I sit to write to you, and aver to myself…नहीं उदास नहीं. Rather, I thank the powers that be (China??) that made this happen. I am grateful that I got a radically different experience, compared to my earlier 64 years. I feel good that I got to stay home for 100 days, breaking the vicious cycle of my constant work-related travel, for the first time since I began working in 1980. I got a chance to do things I have never done.  Whether it was sweeping and swabbing the house, or washing utensils at one end of the spectrum to catching up on a lot of reading, getting on to Netflix for the first time (using my daughter’s account) and doing binge watching of serials and movies; which concept, I had only heard of. Why, we even celebrated birthdays & anniversaries on Zoom! And  had surprise treats for Fathers’ Day and delicious meals shared with family who live in same complex.  I actually learnt to have & enjoy long conversations with my daughter on phone, sharing daily tribulations and tensions of her life. Got close to my extended family on zoom platform, settling down into a rhythm of  weekly calls with the entire gang…..enjoying impromptu performances by grandchildren, hearing about cooking from my nieces, family politics & frustrations from cousins, and in other ways enjoying the “we” time. Getting on  more comfortable terms with my wife of 4o years, because suddenly we were shorn of all paraphernalia of activities & friends, relatives & maids… and rediscovering our joy of being together & doing things for one another after a longish gap.

सुनी हिकायतें हस्ती तो दरमियान से सुनी

ना इब्तिदा की ख़बर है ना इन्तेहां मालूम।

{ हिकायतें= stories; हस्ती = life, world; दरमियान= during; इब्तिदा= Beginning, origin, commencement; इन्तेहां utmost limit, end; extremity. }

Wayne Dyer tells us,” Accept life as it is or take the responsibility to change it!”. Yes, there are no paid consultancy assignments as even the clients are locked down. But that gave me an opportunity to learn new developments & the latest thinking in HR by attending & addressing a number of webinars & online meetings.  I fib you not… to take notes, I opened a fresh, new 2020 diary…one of those Demi sized ones with one page to a date. Given the amount of notes I have made….I am already on the Sept 29th page in that diary!! Listening to so many webinars and calls has kept me on track for my original dream….to be a constant learner.


So, truly, I have enjoyed the 100 days. Would I be willing & ready to get into another lock down ? Yes and No. NO since we can’t call Rashmi over from Gurugram (where she is working at present) & spend time with her together without agenda…which I miss badly. That is the only NO reason. But for YES, there are so many. My family, first and foremost. My new learning. My improved relationships. My me time

I look back on what I wrote in the beginning of lockdown, and the suggestions I made on how to give a positive twist to this quirk of lockdown, home-locked fate. And I am proud that I have implemented most of the suggestions I made! The Dr has indeed tasted  his own medicine!! During these 96 days I have practiced frugality & learning to do with less; developed a feeling of gratitude for all that we have; sensed a closer bonding with immediate family, and extended family equally; grown closer and re-established contact with friends; done much better time management; sharpened my ability to adjust/compromise; imbibed  new skills; created a “stop doing” list for greater effectiveness to which I keep adding; and finally am leveraging & enjoying solitude. जीने को और क्या चाहिए!!!

Been there, Done it all. If & when the lockdown is lifted, I am sure you all will see a better version of me!!!

I end with this beautiful poem a friend shared, excerpted from The Weighing by Jane Hirshfield:

So few grains of happiness

measured against all the dark

and still the scales balance.
The world asks of us

only the strength we have and we give it.

Then it asks more, and we give it.

mother end

Stay Safe; Stay Together; Stay Happy: vikibaba

Redesigning Leaders by Reinventing HR (2)

On 10th May, I was invited by my friend Shyam Iyer on a webinar to discuss the above topic. I had made notes for my talk and am reproducing them in 2 parts. Here is the Part 2.



I must compliment Shyam Iyer & 60BitsConsulting for choosing a very relevant & important topic for  deliberations. We are in the throes of a crisis and hence the importance of leadership, to drive us out of the woods!! As the actions will have to be implemented by people, hence the importance of HR, as a function, is doubled at the present moment.

I have structured my talk in 4 buckets:

1) The Context & 2) The Journey of HR  was covered in Part 1. (

So let us dive into  Leadership & HR’s New role in this Part 2..

3) Leadership: The ‘What’ & ‘How’ of Leadership in the present context, especially given that we are looking up to our leaders at present, to lead us out of the crisis.

4) HR’s new role: What are the areas HR has to focus on, to support the Leaders & the organisation at the present juncture.

Leadership: Before we begin to  speak of leadership, I must clearly define: I believe that We are ALL Leaders now. The present crisis and today’s challenges cannot be resolved in the Command & Control approach of the past. The past has given way to a New Order: Leadership is a verb, not a noun! We all, as leaders,  must stand up and stand together! Leaders must enter the trenches and be with the trops as the drama unfolds. The way things are unfolding… with a new twist each day….we must empower people and encourage decision making at the action points, at the lowest possible level. Leaders do not have all the answers and leaders must listen to their teams to chart the path in this uncertain future. Democratization of organizations is here with a bang.

None of us were prepared for Work from Home when the lockdown was declared. Frankly many leaders, yours truly included, did not really believe in WFH and that it would be serious model for running our business. We doubted in our hearts whether this world work. And along comes TCS and announces WFH for 2 years directly for their employees. Other companies have also accepted this new norm. IT/ITES/BFSI were at the forefront. But brick & mortar manufacturing companies were not far behind. Even Hospitality and Hotels, Services like Ola and Urban Clap have all embarked on this journey changing the very way we work. Leaders are still getting comfortable withWFH, but employees will be very demanding of these new paradigms in the post COVID world.


Energy is the new currency of Leadership. Due to remote and far flung teams, personal touch, involvement and continuous availability is very much the norm. Roles are getting redefined as we struggle to find answer to the basic question: What are the top action points that leaders must focus upon today to be successful? Leaders are emerging as the positive change agents, in the middle of the chaos, working hard to create the future! Nassim Taleb spoke about the Black Swan concept way back in 2007  and indeed the present crisis is a black swan event which has taken the entire globe by surprise. Same Mr Taleb comes with another concept to help us here….being Anti Fragile. While resilience is the ability to bounce back, Anti Fragile is the ability to be stronger in opposition, become better after facing the crisis. This is what Leaders must imbibe and propagate. 



The redoubtable CCL lists the skills required by Leaders today. Pay attention to the beautiful turn of phrases in this list of NEW SKILLS for LEADERS:

  • Get there Early: be proactive, be prepared.
  • Active Attention: so many parts are moving together, you may miss critical things.
  • Urgent Patience: dissatisfaction with the present, iron hands in soft gloves.
  • Humble Strength: Humility to listen and strength to implement tough choices.
  • Readiness: in perpetuity, willingness to take mid course corrections, with alacrity.
  • Synchronicity: keeping the “grand design” in mind, moving sure-footedly in the right direction.

Gallup who have always espoused that Feelings are Facts did a major research recently to find out what organizations and employees need from their leaders at the present juncture. There results are worth mulling over. What people need today is:

  • Trust,
  • Compassion,
  • Stability, and
  • Hope



It is through demonstrating strong evidence of trust, compassion, stability and hope in all their dealings, leaders will have to ready the organization to bravely face the uncertain future.

New Role for HR: 


As the Gallup model stresses the importance of Hope, and as Hope is important to bring us out of this crisis, let me begin with a quotation on Hope, “Hope is the belief that the future will be better than the present, alongwith the belief that you have the power to make it so” Dr Shane Lopez. Finally it is Human Beings who will revive the economy, not coffins! Hence the custodian of people, the HR leader in the organization has a very important role to play in the present times. While people management has always been fundamental to organizational success, at the present time, to align the employees to the vision of the Leaders and pull together to get the organization out of the present rut, HR has a very important role to play. Given the present challenge, what should HR’s fouc areas? What is “must do” for HR now? Critical times, important question, which will define the new role for HR.  This is a good time for HR to remember the classic question Vetal addressed the King: If you cannot solve problems, why would the world need you, O Vikramaditya?


The main thrust are for HR in these times is to Shape the Beliefs in the Organization and emerge as the Co-creator of the new organizational Culture. For this HR will have to, interalia, focus on:

  • Preparing the Leaders for the New Normal
  • Focus on Employee Engagement & Employee Experience
  • Unskilling Roles while Reskilling People: Change the Talent landscape
  • Change management: continuous unlearning, learning and re-learning
  • Shape Organizational Culture: how we think and act
  • Be the Productivity Champion, bringing in new processes, new tools & new metrics
  • Encouraging Collaboration and Alignment on technological platforms
  • Re-draw the Organization Structure based on zero-based manpower planning
  • Recalibrate the Talent based on fungibility across businesses and functions
  • Managing Fear & Encouraging Failures
  • Devekloping Emotional Agility across the organization
  • Employee Assistance Programs with Stress tacking and employee support
  • Communication across the organization: Making the Why? compelling


I believe that if HR focuses on this new agenda and works closely with the Leaders, HR can create a future ready organization which is COVID proof.

The task is clear, the road is defined, let us move ahead: vikas
